Season 2 Kickoff

Cosmos And Commerce Season 2 Kickoff

Episode Summary: Season 2 Kickoff & Personal Updates

  • Hosts Michele and Janis return for the second season of Cosmos and Commerce with a casual catch-up episode, discussing their lives, businesses, and future podcast guests.
  • Michele opens up about the launch of the new Body Ache Escape Wellness Center, which had a grand opening in May, attracting over 200 people.
  • Janis shares an update on her recovery from foot surgery and getting back into hiking.
  • Both hosts share funny and surprising stories from the grand opening event, including a mishap with ribbon-cutting scissors.
  • Michele discusses dealing with theft at her wellness center and the challenges of handling a fraudulent transaction.
  • They chat about upcoming travel plans: Michele and her husband Joe are heading to a Note School class in Texas to learn about investing in mortgage notes, while Janis reflects on her own experience in Dallas.
  • Janis talks about the success of her Humble Crate business and new vendors joining, including a sourdough bread maker and a jewelry artist.
  • Looking ahead to season 2, the hosts tease exciting upcoming interviews with local business owners, including:

This episode is a warm and personal reintroduction for the hosts, setting the stage for an exciting new season of guest interviews and business insights.

Velocity Capital Solutions
Goldman Sachs 10k Small Businesses


Episode 1
Janis: Hi,
Michele: welcome to season two of Cosmos and Commerce.
Janis: are you guys doing?
Michele: Oh,
Janis: We’ve missed this coming on with you.
Michele: I’ve missed you too.
Janis: Okay, well, not like we haven’t seen each other for all this time, right? We’ve seen at events and things like that and around the community.
Michele: Yes. It’s exciting to get season two kicked off. We have some exciting guests lined up, but we thought we would just catch up with each other for the first comeback episode.
Janis: Yeah, catch you guys up on what we’ve been up to, what’s been going on with our businesses, our lives, our, the community that, we’re both very involved in. So,
Michele: So we took a break because things were going [00:01:00] on in our lives. One is I was Opening the new location for body ache escape and it got kind of hectic. And secondly, Janice had a big surgery on her foot and she seems to be fully recovered now. Hopefully. How are you doing since the surgery?
Janis: know it sounds so gross on my foot. I’m doing okay. I mean it’s still like real stiff but a couple weeks ago I started like walking, hiking at the park again, so I So when I went to the doctor like a month ago, he said it’s 75 percent fused and I waited two weeks. I’m just like, I just can’t not do this anymore.
Cause I just love going and walking with my friends,
Michele: now that it’s nice out.
Janis: Oh, for sure. For sure. Oh, we went in the snow and the rain and we, it didn’t matter, but yeah, you’re right. It’s so beautiful. The birds are chirping. We hear turkeys gobbling, it’s at Chestnut Park there in Canal Winchester. Yeah. It’s a, it’s a beautiful
Michele: Yeah. I just went on a [00:02:00] little walk there a couple of weeks ago.
Janis: Did you? Oh, cool.
Michele: of hiking and walking at the parks and stuff, have you been to the new canopy walk yet at Black Lake?
Janis: No! No, you were telling me about it. And I’ve been seeing it all over Facebook on their posts and stuff like that. It looks like it’s gonna be pretty cool.
Michele: it was a really nice and I can’t wait for a couple of years when all the like construction is grown over because it’s a little bit like a mud pit in the bottom, but it’s going to be really nice.
Janis: Yeah. Oh, good. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. Tell us about, I mean, you’re the biggest news for you, right? Is all the growth and the change of your new location with body ache escape wellness center. There’s a new name, right? Yeah. Tell us about that experience and your new place and all
Michele: Yeah. It’s, , been a whirlwind and exciting. We opened January 29th and, we postponed [00:03:00] having a big grand opening party, but we had that on May 11th and it was a big hit.
Janis: It was spectacular.
Michele: I couldn’t believe it. I guess all my, , marketing, , knowledge culminated into making a successful event, but we had
Janis: We did good.
Michele: a freaking line out the door. It started at two and the line started
forming at one 30. And I think we probably had over 200 people in two hours through the place. Oh,
Janis: it was crazy. It was crazy. I actually missed the ribbon cutting because when I pulled up and I got there, I don’t know, I thought a couple minutes before too, because I had customers at the shop and I was trying to like, forgive me customers, but like, I got to go somewhere, like I had, I put a note on the door, I’m going to a ribbon cutting, I’ll be back in about an hour.
So. But I got there, I got the very last parking place and I think I made somebody mad cause I think they were coming back around to get it and I just like pulled [00:04:00] in, I’m sure I got the very last parking place, but yeah, I walked at ribbon cutting was over the mayor standing there with his scissors all packed up, the giant scissors.
Michele: was a little bit funny because so Kyren didn’t realize that the scissors actually cut and he was holding the
Janis: they were just,
Michele: of the scissors and I would, no, he was holding the top. I was holding the bottom. So there’s a cut and I was trying to like lift up the bottom and it wasn’t like moving and Kyren wasn’t moving his.
So I reached up and I slammed it down and I, we were cracking up and I was like, this is just so symbolic of our whole partnership.
Janis: That’s hilarious because I saw a picture that either the chamber or the city posted about that and you guys are cracking up at each other and I bet you that’s exactly what had just happened. That’s hilarious. Well, I walked up right after that and yeah, the line was [00:05:00] clear down to Zettler’s. If you guys don’t know yet, if you haven’t been Michelle is sharing the same building space with Zettler on the other side of it.
Michele: they’re both out there.
Janis: Yeah, it was clear down there and I just stood in the parking lot for a little bit to wait for the line to go down and just talked with people that were kind of doing the same thing that I was doing, right?
Michele: Yeah. It was awesome. But we’ve since we’ve opened, we had an esthetician start. So she’s building up with facials and waxing and We are also just hiring an acupuncturist. He should be starting in the next couple of weeks.
Janis: Oh, what’s his background?
Michele: He’s also a massage therapist. So, but he specializes in weight loss, fertility just general pain. So he would be really great. We also have a nurse practitioner starting today. She’s yeah, she’s renting space and she, Is going to be specializing in weight loss also [00:06:00] doing the shots.
Janis: That is way cool. Doing the what?
Michele: that weight loss prescription.
Janis: All my friends are doing
Michele: Oh yeah.
Janis: I’m scared. I’m scared, but, but I’ve been thinking about it. I mean, I’ve got three or four friends that have done that and they’ve lost like 30 pounds.
Michele: Yeah. It’s pretty miraculous.
Janis: I don’t need to lose 30 pounds, but I would, I would like to lose like 20.
I don’t think you’ll need to cut that, I mean, that’s one of many conspiracy theories.
Michele: Yeah.
Janis: Cause my one friend goes to a place in Lancaster. Another one goes to a wellness center. That’s in Gahanna and I’m like, I’ve really been thinking about it. Cause I can’t get past this one. Wait, but luckily. Even though I was down for like six, seven, eight, like almost 12 solid weeks, eight weeks of non weight bearing on my foot.
I didn’t gain any weight. So that’s good. [00:07:00] I know, right?
Michele: Okay. So since we have been gone, the Pickering and Sinn Chamber of Commerce had their big day. annual awards and you’re in a group that won an award Tell me all about that.
Janis: Sure. Here I am. So I’m the president of the Pickerington Village Association. Oh, it’s behind the screen. I could have shown my, my award because it’s, it’s here for now. We couldn’t decide where to put it, but the Pickerington Village Association won the nonprofit of the year through the chamber.
And we were really happy about that, because the, the PBA and not just cause I’m the president, cause I’ve just been president in the last few years. But the people like. Peggy Portier Pam Good, they have been with this, almost probably since the beginning, , since 1993, when the Pickerton Village Association began.
And they started, I think, just with the farmer’s market with only 13 [00:08:00] vendors. Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow farmer’s market begins every Thursday. From four to seven and with farmers market lot, but now we’ve got like, I think there’s 50 vendors that are approved. We do the here I’ve got it written down here we do all the shop hops, here for the shops in the village pet fest, chocolate hop did it, did it do wizard fair?
That was new last
Michele: really cool. I went to it.
Janis: Did you get that? Okay, so do, visit, visit Fairfield County had a they were part of this trial study with some company that tracks how many cell phone pings are in a certain area, specific area in the 2 hour period that we were at the wizard fair down here at victory park last year, 2500 pings were right there.
Is that crazy? That’s crazy. So anyway, it was very popular. So we extended that this year. And then of course we do the holiday gathering, which is like one of [00:09:00] the biggest ones of the year, the first Friday in December, but yeah, there’s like seven signature events that the PVA does and it’s all free family friendly events.
So yeah, we were very happy about that. I wish it would have been a little more articulate, when getting that, and taking the award and, saying thank you and all that crap. But, you just like go blank.
Michele: Yeah.
Janis: Like I just went
Michele: Yeah. Anytime I get up
Janis: and I, yeah, it wasn’t, it wasn’t because of cocktails or anything like that.
Cause I was just, I was just like, it’s, it’s makes you nervous. And, and I didn’t know, nobody let us know who won. So
Michele: Don’t lose the word. Huh?
Janis: yeah, it was a complete surprise. It really was. And I was on the awards committee, but they made me and Sarah and Dave King, who were also on the Awards committee leave the room because Dave King was also a nominee with the Big Town Palooza because he’s on the, the board there.
So we all just sat in the hallway while [00:10:00] they made, whatever.
Michele: Well, there was some other big winners also that night. So, Dwayne spent the funeral home, won the business of the year.
Janis: yep. And one of our past guests, Nate Hux with Freedom Pharmacy won the Rising Star Award. So happy about that. That made me tear up when he was talking, about his, Wendy, his wife, and all that. I, I, yeah, very
Michele: I think our nurse practitioner is actually going to work with Freedom Pharmacy on the prescriptions. Yeah.
Janis: Oh, really? Oh, cool. That’s cool. I’ll have to like maybe make an appointment with that person.
Michele: Her name is Jelaine Allspatch.
Janis: I was just going to ask what her name is. I think, I think I’m gonna have
to, I’m gonna have to do that. So the Dunbar Safety Award was won by the [00:11:00] Fairfield County SWAT team. It was the safest room in the house, or in the,
Michele: know, it was kind of a little alarming walking in and seeing all
Janis: the SWAT, the whole SWAT team was there, yeah.
Michele: cut out
Janis: Yes, Lions Club, right, she won the Athena. The Athena award this year, we combine the Athena award with the annual awards just to give all the awards on 1, 1 evening.
Michele: a big event.
Janis: Yeah. Yeah, it was a big event and Ohio health was the. A winner for having the largest, like, impact on. On our area, too, so that was really that was really good.
I think that’s, I think that’s all the winners and then a lots of winners for the silent auction as well. Yeah. Did you bid on anything?
Michele: I did not, I wasn’t able to look at everything before it was time to eat.[00:12:00]
Janis: I wouldn’t either. I was so busy because I had to, I didn’t know I was going to have to do a couple things and I was going back and forth a lot. So what did you think of my suit? It was this
Michele: was, it was,
Janis: Did you think I was like a school
Michele: I loved it. It
Janis: was like, you look like a school bus. You’re a school bus.
Michele: That was funny. Um, one thing that maybe could be done differently next year is to get some better knives if there’s prime rib again.
Janis: Oh my gosh. I know. I mean, we should have all just picked it up and started gnawing on it.
Michele: you would have been at our table, you would have seen Joe doing that.
Janis: Oh my gosh. That’s funny. Yeah. But you’re right. You’re not the first person to say that. And I just like, yeah, you’re not the first person to say that. I got kind of a tender piece of that beef. So mine cut [00:13:00] okay. But everybody else was kind of like,
Michele: was a little challenging, but anyway, so I want to know, how is your real estate business going?
Janis: Michelle, it is so busy. I am so busy. I, I’m just like, that’s why like yesterday I had literally two days in a row, nothing on my calendar. And I told Dave, , I’m putting X cause I’ve got, I just wrote on my calendar, relax and chill . That’s exactly what I wrote, but real estate has been so busy.
And then I’m here at the shop and, I’ve got the chamber, I’ve got the PVA, not to mention the family, the house, the dogs, and all that kind of stuff. But real estate has been really, really hopping. . I mean, there still is a lack of inventory and buyers are still being challenged.
What I have a lot of the buyers that I’m working with right now have houses to sell, but they’re older and they have a lot of good equity in their homes. So this is something that I never would have done, say [00:14:00] 10, 12 years ago. But I’m suggesting everybody get a bridge loan right now, because I know their houses are going to sell in this market.
It’s just going to sell real quick. I even advise my son to do it. And if I’m going to advise myself, I would never put my son in a, in a position where he was, in a bad way, so, but I, I’ve got this good lender. Actually, 2 of them that do good bridge loan programs, and you use the bridge loan that way.
You don’t have to write a an offer. That’s contingent on the sell your home. You can just like, move forward with it and go sell your house. Close on the bridge loan and then you, you can restructure the loan at that point and, just move forward. But it’s been, it’s been crazy busy.
Real estate
Michele: That’s awesome.
Janis: Shop’s been a little dead. Yeah. It’s, it’s, it’s awesome. I just talked and, and you know what, I’ve been doing it so long now. I got my license in 1997. So I’ve been doing this for a while. So most of my business [00:15:00] is referrals. friends, family, so I talked to somebody a couple of days ago and they were referred by somebody that I just sold their house a couple months ago.
And those people were referred to me by somebody that I sold their house, couple, like a year ago. So, but anyway, it’s just kind of, how it goes. Yeah, yeah, just kind of refer. I love it.
Michele: , what are you seeing are the like current days on market in Pickerington?
. Current days on market. Say less than a week. I mean, it depends on if it’s priced right. Cause if you don’t price it right, I’ve showed, I’ve shown a house. Recently actually I showed it to two of my buyers and they both wanted it because it had a pool. Well, guess what? The pool takes up the entire backyard and there’s no place for the doggies to go, so it was kind of, they should have left a little grassy area.
Janis: So, but anyway, that one’s been on the market a little bit longer because It’s just not quite [00:16:00] right. It, it’s going to have to be purchased by somebody who doesn’t have a dog, but both of my folks that wanted it have dogs and, it just, it just wasn’t going to work out. But anyway,
Michele: they could electric fence the front yard and let the dogs out the front.
Janis: that’s what the listing realtor said. That’s what the listing realtor said. Well, they’ll leave the, but my one couple, they’re just like, no, it didn’t want to. And the other couple said, you know what? We decided we like our house. We’re just going to put a pool in our own backyard. I know. I’m like, Oh, okay.
So I, I’ve been showing them houses only two years, so whatever. That’s a little discouraging. That’s discouraging for me and for them too, because they keep looking and it’s a, it’s a big ordeal putting a pool in your backyard. If that’s what you
Michele: doesn’t an in ground pool cost like 100, 000 almost now?
Janis: it could. Yeah, it really could. And, and this pool in the house that I was talking about is [00:17:00] nice. I mean, it is nice in ground pool and it’s got a concrete. All around, it’s got a, it’s just really nice, gorgeous fencing around it. Wrought iron fencing is really, really nice. It just, it just wasn’t right for those two people.
That’s all, but it hadn’t been right for others too. Cause I think, I think it’s a little price, a little high too. That’s what I was just getting ready to say. The days on the market, if you price it, right. It’ll, it’ll go like in a, in a, my son’s house sold in 24 hours. I started showing on Saturday, we did open house on Sunday and it was in contract Sunday night.
I had somebody walk into the open house and they were like, we want you to write an offer right now. They were there, the husband and the wife, the daughter and his mother. And they were there for like an hour. They were in the back, they were talking, they walked in and they said, we weren’t. You to write an offer on this house right now for us And I said you realize this is my son’s house I’m, like I would be a dual agent and I said [00:18:00] i’ve got a realtor friend.
I would prefer to Refer you to, I said, I tried to give them away. I tried to give them away and they’re just like, no, we’re okay with that. We’re okay with that. So we were like you. So I went ahead and wrote the offer and I’m, I’m glad my son did not pick it. And I did not try to steer them in any way, shape or form.
They picked another one that it was a little bit better offer. Thank goodness, because I don’t like being a dual agent, especially if it’s my
Michele: Yeah, that would
Janis: know, because
Michele: Yes,
Janis: yeah, too many things can happen.
Michele: What do you see is better? Do you see like pricing it a little low and then bidding up? Is that better than pricing it too high?
Janis: Absolutely. Absolutely. And I’m not saying like way low, not like, wait, like maybe five or 10 under, like maybe where you think it should be. And then you’re going to get offers that’ll take it up. So, and that’s exactly what happened.
Michele: [00:19:00] Awesome.
Janis: Yeah. Yeah.
Michele: so fill me in on the latest with Humble Crate. What’s going on with your
Janis: So humble. Great. I did kind of have a handle on maybe a larger space because, we manifested that out into the area last last season. Right? But that fell through and so I’m still, what I’m not unhappy here. It’s just a little small, but I’ve got some new vendors. Sourdough,
Michele: Yes.
Janis: sourdough is big.
It’s good for you, and everything. So I’ve got a sourdough vendor now
Girl gang bakery,
She’s new, but her bread is amazing. Her muffins are amazing. She makes bagels, sourdough, chocolate chip, brown butter cookies are like really good. So that’s why I need the shot because of all the, all the sourdough bread and stuff I’ve been eating.
No, I’m teasing. That’s not why that’s not why. But anyway, yeah I’ve got a new vendor I think coming [00:20:00] in today and she makes sterling silver jewelry, which I don’t have , stamped bangle bracelets things like that. Let me see. Oh, I got a new, since last season, I’ve got the new metal. They did an awesome logo for me and I’ve had four people do custom orders through them already, just for different things.
So that’s pretty cool. I got a new junior. Huh?
Michele: to them.
Janis: Oh my gosh. Have you seen the new logo?
Michele: think so.
Janis: I mean, it’s not a new logo. It’s just like the, the metal screen that they made. I put it on top of, of the counter here, the cash wrap. Why don’t they call it cash wrap? That’s his dumbest word ever. Have you ever heard cash wrap?
I’m like, what’s a cash wrap? And I looked at, it’s just a counter.
Michele: Like a, like
Janis: It’s the cash rack. It’s where the, it’s where they wrap up the cash sale. Cash wrap. [00:21:00] Maybe that’s it. Anyway, I just think it’s a, I just think it’s a silly word. Cash wrap. It’s a desk.
So how’s everything in your life? How, what’s, what’s going on? Personally, what’s going on?
Michele: Well today, it’s kind of exciting. Joe and I are going to Dallas, Texas in here in a little bit to go to work today. Our flight is at 3 o’clock.
Janis: Oh my gosh.
Michele: We’re,
Janis: Alice, I went there
Michele: oh yeah? Awesome. We’re We, before COVID, like a couple of years before COVID, we signed up for this class called note school with our real estate the local real estate group and the classes hosted in Texas and they only were releasing the class dates like a month ahead of time. So we were never able to make it cause you know, we can’t figure out travel plans in a month to go to [00:22:00] Texas.
Janis: Yeah.
Michele: So finally we were able to find a date that worked and we’re going so it’s called note school, which means mortgage notes So we’re going to learn how to invest in mortgage notes. It’s a three day class.
Janis: Because you’re in that group with some other investors, right? Where
Michele: Yeah. Oh, I guess that’s another thing that’s happened since I talked to you last is I started another business with two other investors. Called velocity capital solutions, and we are like hard money lenders or private money lenders for local real estate flippers or investors. So, it’s kind of cool.
We’re lending the money and then selling off the loans to other investors in smaller portions.
Janis: Mm hmm. It’s
Michele: yeah, we’ve done three loans so far and hopefully this class will teach us a [00:23:00] little, a bit more of the intricacies of doing that. So,
Janis: Yeah. How long will you be there? How long’s the
Michele: oh, it’s oh, it’s just three days. So we’re actually going to come back Saturday night.
Janis: Okay. Oh my gosh. Listen, in Dallas I stayed at the Omni Hotel. Where are you guys staying?
Michele: We’re just staying at, the class is at the airport, at an airport hotel, so we’re just staying at the airport. I don’t even know if we’ll leave the
Janis: If you, oh, oh, okay. I was going to say, if you have any downtime at all, there’s a fabulous restaurant in the Omni that I got the best ranchos. How do you say it? The Mexican eggs tostada.
Michele: ranchos huevos. Okay.
Janis: best ever. Anyway, I got that at the at the Omni Hotel restaurant. Yes. Yes. And
Michele: Uber.
Janis: yeah,
Michele: Yeah, we’re staying out. I think we’re staying [00:24:00] at one of
those hotels where there’s free happy hours. So that’ll be fine.
Janis: well, you got it. You got to eat their hors d’oeuvres then. They’re out. You know what I mean? What they have out.
Michele: Yes,
Janis: my remarkable here, we’re talking.
Michele: I
Janis: New, new business tools. I know, right? It keeps going to sleep on me, but you guys,
Michele: adjust that in the settings. I know,
Janis: I’ll try to, I’ll have to figure that out. You guys, Michelle got a remarkable and I got serious FOMO.
So I, and then Danielle got one and they’re in these meetings writing on their remarkables. And I was sitting there and I was, I held out for about a month or two, but I’ve got it now. And I do like it. I do like it, but I don’t know near what it can do. Yeah.
Michele: Yeah. A lot of the [00:25:00] people in my business class that I took last year, that Goldman Sachs, 10, 000 small businesses had one. So that’s how I learned about it. It was, yeah, I had FOMO too.
Janis: You got it too. I had to wait for, I had to wait for a couple closings to get under my belt and do some other things. I had priorities, but the FOMO got to me and I was just like, just get it. You want it. Just get
Michele: so fun to use.
Janis: Yes. I was good. One of my questions for you was, you’re like a perpetual student.
You got any new classes coming up and it just like, kind of went right into that.
Michele: We’re also in July. In July we’re going to . It’s kind of dumb, but maybe
I, it’ll be fun. It’ll be fun. It’s like a more of a mindset class, I think like, but it, so last year, last year, we went to a real estate [00:26:00] conference last November, and one of the speakers was a hypnotist and. He hypnotized us to buy his class, I guess, cause we bought it and we’re going to Vegas in July to take the full three days.
Janis: That’s hilarious. Do you think that’s why? Do you think that’s why? You think he hypnotized everybody into spending money on his
Michele: well, I guess it works. I don’t
Janis: Do you remember blacking out?
Michele: know. I remember being very pumped to do this.
Janis: Do you get that way about other classes?
Michele: well sometimes I I’ve been a little more what’s a good word? Well, I’ve taken a lot of classes. So like, Now I try to like weigh, okay, is this too similar to what I’ve taken before? Am I going to learn anything new? So I like, go through more of a process and thinking if it would be a good [00:27:00] investment in my time and money.
But yeah, I love taking classes so much. So usually I’m stoked about it. This one I feel a little bit silly for signing up.
Janis: Like you’ve been duped a little bit?
Michele: I don’t know.
Janis: been duped. I’ve been duped.
Michele: We’ll see. We’ll see how it goes.
Janis: it very expensive?
Michele: What’s that?
Janis: Was it very
Michele: No.
Janis: Oh, okay.
Michele: It wasn’t.
Janis: Where is
Michele: in Vegas.
Janis: Is it? Oh, you said
Michele: so I’ll be able to combine the trip with visiting my old college roommate out there.
She moved to Vegas after college. So whenever I go out there, I get to see her.
Janis: I’ve never been to Vegas. When people, I know, that’s the exact reaction I get from everybody. Every time I say that, I’ve never
Michele: to come with us?
Janis: What? No. No, I don’t. I hear that they’ve got like, awesome food and shows [00:28:00] and everything, but the last time, was it Christine? She went to Vegas and she said that it was, Not as enjoyable as it had been in the past.
Michele: Well, I mean trips are what you make them, right? So
Janis: That’s true.
My sister lived in Vegas for a while. That was back in the eighties, I guess. 1980s, back in the 19 hundreds Anyway,
Michele: Yeah. That is, seems like a long time ago.
Janis: yeah, it kind of was, it kind of was.
Michele: What’s the best thing that you’ve learned since we last spoke on the show?
Janis: So, I have learned, like, as far as, like, business wise, I’ve learned that it’s, it’s really good and beneficial for me to ask for help because I really don’t have, I don’t have employees, so much. I mean, Bianca is 1 of my vendors here and I’ve [00:29:00] known her since I was the farmers market manager.
But she lives right around the corner and she’s my go to like if I need anything, so it’s, and she’s like happy to help and happy to come, but, but I don’t have, I don’t have like paid employees, really, I, I, I like do a trade, like. Can you work for free rent or, what are, we’ll, we’ll work something out, .
Michele: nice to have somebody you can rely on.
Janis: yeah.
It’s really, really okay to ask for help because I, you just can’t do it all.
Michele: Yeah.
Janis: Sometimes, sometimes you can’t do it all.
Michele: Yeah.
Janis: You should have worn my Wonder Woman t shirt. Cause sometimes you can do it all,
Michele: I don’t want to do it all anymore.
Janis: I know, I know. Ah, I
Michele: I’m finding that the less I do it all, the easier, the bigger things build and the [00:30:00] easier they are. I don’t know. The more I offload, the more money comes in.
Janis: I’m concentrating right now on a new point of sale system because I’m not sure if I’m going to keep what I have. I’m still trying to decide because it, it went up 50 dollars a month. That may not seem like much, but, that’s a big jump. So I’m still doing research on all those and I’m still finding out that some people are still sticking with.
The system that I have here, so I may just stick with it till I find something new. I
mean, like, I, I can quit it at any time, so I can go ahead and authorize the forty nine ninety five, but I don’t like that. They’ve been not communicating with me very well. So that kind
Michele: that seems like it would be a very big hassle for you to switch because you have a lot of [00:31:00] products.
Janis: Yes. Yes. And that’s why I’m taking such a long time, making a decision. And I know these people that I’ve got hanging. Like they’re like, well, have you made a decision yet? And people that like, maybe I would go with their company and I’m like, no, because I would, I would have to probably manually do every piece of inventory again.
Michele: with things getting stolen?
Janis: let me, let me knock on my cash wrap on my wood cash wrap here. No. I, I know one girl stole a pair of earrings one time she came in and I was distracted with a, somebody who wanted to be a vendor that was in here asking me some questions and I saw the girl walk in and she walked around to the back and she was looking around and she just. And I just, I know she took a pair of leather, leather earrings. They were [00:32:00] only 10. She was probably probably in her thirties, something like that. I would still recognize her if she walked in today. Well, she walked in a second time, maybe a week or so later. And I recognized her immediately. I did not take my eyes off of her and there were people in here and she kind of looked around and then she left.
So, but she hadn’t been back since, but now I did have 1 vendor that came in here and she asked me that question. Like, what do you do it for theft? And I said, like, how do you cover theft for, like, if somebody steals my items, and I’m like, I don’t there’s nothing in the contract that covers that.
But I really, I said, for the most part, the people that come in here. A trustworthy, I, I don’t know, maybe I, I shouldn’t be so trusting, but, and I keep an eye, I keep an eye on people. I mean, the place you’ve been in here, it’s not that large. I can see, and I’ve got three cameras around and I [00:33:00] can do a playback.
If nothing in here is really, I mean, the knives back there, the chef knives are
like 600, that’s the most expensive thing. I told her, I said, I don’t have a contingency plan for that. I have insurance, but her, her stuff, the total for stuff that if it got stolen would, a hundred dollars, here, I’ll give you a hundred dollars if you, if you don’t want to be in here.
And I said, well, what kind of places are you in that you have to worry about theft?
Michele: I’ll tell you, I want to tell you a couple stories that’s happened since we’ve opened their new spot. So we got an infrared sauna and we give our clients a robe to wear to go from the sauna to the shower. And it’s not theirs to keep, it’s theirs to use while they’re, well, someone thought a rope was theirs to keep, I guess, and left with it, so we’ve gotten that stolen, and they’re, they’re luxurious ropes, so they’re pretty expensive ropes, but also,
Janis: And you know who did?
Michele: What’s that?[00:34:00]
Janis: You know who did it?
Michele: I don’t know who did it.
Janis: Oh, you, you don’t know who did it. Oh, okay.
Michele: No, if I did, I would probably be calling them because I’m
Janis: Yeah.
Michele: confrontational. I don’t know. I’m assertive.
Janis: And you, you want that robe back. Yes.
Michele: with something of ours. But also we had something very suspicious happen. We had four men come in for facials
And one man paid for everybody. And I think I’m going to make it a rule from now on that if a group of people want to come in, it has to be.
Okay, by me, because we’ve never had that happen a group of people come
Janis: Mm hmm. Especially men, for facials,
Michele: Right.
Janis: I mean, that’s a more ethnic thing
Michele: I saw them come in and one of them had a medical surgical mask on, which I thought was strange. If you’re coming in for a facial, [00:35:00] why are you worried about that? Anyway I voiced my concerns to the office manager.
But so I was counting down the days where we would get a dispute and we did, it was over a thousand dollars worth of services and products that they took out the door. And I think,
Janis: on somebody else’s
Michele: yeah, so that that is 1 concern. I have with going to like, a cashless. Country is all like there needs to be a better way than taking the money from the business when someone steals a credit card and uses it because not only have they stolen the credit card now they’ve stolen stuff from the business and that business is out the money.
Even though they did nothing wrong.
Janis: Yeah. Correct.
Michele: [00:36:00] we’re going to have to owe that thousand dollars back to the credit card company, even though we did everything right as a business,
Janis: Yeah. Yeah. You know what? And it’s, and the robe, live and learn, I guess. Right? So you get a place assigned by the robe saying, please hang robe here when finished,
Michele: Yeah. I, well, what I’m kind of thinking about doing is getting a loss prevention alarm system that we can use. And tagging everything so that the alarm goes off if somebody walks out the door with products, but
Janis: Oh yeah. Yeah. Are those very expensive? I bet they probably are like what the Kohl’s or target has, like those magnetic things that go on. Yeah.
Michele: yeah,
Janis: Do they have to be that like
Michele: investigating whether you could have 1, like, on the ceiling or the floor. So it could be kind of like, obscure, but I don’t think our office will work with that kind of system. It would have to be [00:37:00] like
Janis: in the door jam or something like that? Yeah, that makes
Michele: so I don’t know if we’re going to do that or not, but we do have cameras and I was going to make a police report about those men, but they didn’t claim it was fraud. They claimed it was a charge they didn’t recognize. So I did send in the receipts and with their signature. So hopefully we won’t get that reversed, but
Janis: Yeah, you shouldn’t. I mean, I don’t understand how that works. I don’t understand. I mean, you’re out your time and you’re out the services that you provided, but, like, the credit card company, so the credit card company reimburses the, or takes the charge off of the person’s card. But are they after you to pay it back to them, the company?
I think that
Michele: yeah. Have you never gotten a dispute?
Janis: [00:38:00] No.
Michele: Wow. That’s impressive. We’ve gotten quite a few.
Janis: Let me knock on wood again. I’ll knock on my wood and cash wrap right here. No, no, I haven’t. Again, I don’t have, there’s nothing that expensive in, in my shop, that, that, yeah, no, I haven’t.
Michele: Yeah.
Janis: I’m sorry that that happened. That stinks. That stinks real
Michele: But one exciting thing where, um, gearing up for trying to make happen is take insurance for clients as payment. So we’re excited about that.
And we can start taking VA clients.
Janis: That’s very exciting. There’s a lot of, a lot of your services provides medical relief, right? I mean, I, yeah. So people that are having medical issues. Yeah. I think that’s great. And having a [00:39:00] nurse practitioner there now might be helpful with that too,
Michele: Yeah. Because in order for insurance to pay, They have to have a prescription. So, they can make the appointment with the nurse practitioner to get a prescription and then come for their massage. Yeah.
Janis: I’d love that. That’s so exciting. I’m so happy for you with the new, I mean, that, that’s just so great. Just growing by leaps and bounds. Oh, you’re welcome.
Michele: Did I tell you about getting blood work done with this company called Function Health?
Janis: don’t think so.
Michele: They test 115 different biomarkers. So like hormones, vitamin levels heart disease stuff autoimmune disease things. They tested four things for autoimmune disease and three out of four of my tests failed. So they’re saying that I have [00:40:00] autoimmune disease.
Janis: Wow.
Michele: it, it’s they like narrowed it down to two different ones. is called sojourns or something like that. It looked Swedish S J O R D E N S or something like that. I don’t know. It didn’t seem like that one because none of the things that go wrong with that disease I have anything going on with.
Janis: You’re not having symptoms, yeah?
Michele: the other one was lupus.
Janis: Oh, I know lupus. I’ve never heard of the other one. Have you had symptoms, lupus symptoms? What are some symptoms
Michele: a butterfly rash, fatigue, memory loss, joint pain. I think those are the big ones, but I’ve been having very bad memory problems lately. And [00:41:00] I’ve been getting like eczema, like rashes on my face for a month.
Janis: So it just started.
Michele: started. So that is very weird that it just came up in my blood work and I just started getting symptoms.
Janis: After you got the blood
Michele: Yeah, so I have a doctor’s appointment in July to get further testing to figure it out.
Janis: Not till July? They couldn’t get you in sooner?
Michele: Yeah, I know.
Janis: Huh. That seems like
Michele: And then more important. Well, I Scheduled something. I scheduled like a physical so maybe If I would have said I’m having problems, they would have got me in sooner,
Janis: Oh.
Michele: yeah, but Selena Gomez had to have her kidney transplant because of lupus.
Janis: Well, I knew she had [00:42:00] kidney issues, but I didn’t know it was because of lupus.
Michele: But I guess every every person is different with it. Facts them differently, but yeah. So we’ll see what happens with that.
Janis: Like, there’s ways, there’s ways to deal with it.
Michele: There’s medicines and stuff.
Janis: Yeah. Aww. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that.
Michele: No big deal. Well, Oh, one of the things that says with lupus is that you have like, photosensitivity, which is what made me, you talking about the pool, made me think of this because I have a tanning bed that a friend who moved gave me like a lot of years ago and I haven’t used it in like three years.
But for some reason,
Janis: Huh.
Michele: I decided to get in it one day, a month ago, and
Janis: Right when your son
Michele: Yeah, it was immediately after that that I started getting the rash on the face [00:43:00] and I think because the symptom of lupus is that the rashes are triggered by sunlight. I don’t know if it’s correlated or if it’s just a freak coincidence.
Janis: If it was just, or if it, I don’t know, but if you’ve had everything else, I was going to say, it’s just the sunbed, but if you’ve had everything else, then maybe there is something to, cause you’ve got so much going on, I, I don’t know how you keep it all in there,
Michele: I don’t.
Janis: Oh, okay.
Michele: What is there anything else we should cover should we
Janis: Well, just we’ve got a lot of good exciting guests that we’re trying to line up, but we’ve got a nice list and we’ve got some already lined up. And
Michele: We’re hoping to get Rachel Schofield from Pickerington [00:44:00] online and Jeff Palmer with 3xp Tours
Janis: oh, Jay with Hothead Burritos.
Michele: She is from the Goldman Sachs 10, 000 Small Businesses class. We became friends through that.
Janis: Yep. And she’s now part of our EDGE group through the chamber. That’s good. Trying to get Keith Bordner with Cardo’s pizza.
Michele: Yeah. If anybody knows how to get a hold of Keith, let us know.
Janis: no, right. He’s a hard man to get in touch with. Right. Jen Beckwith with Rayside Bookkeeping. Oh, Carol Haynes with Kitty Academy. And then Tracy Heitmeyer, Phi Bean Coffee. Yeah. And I don’t know, we got,
Michele: some more lined up that we will let you know about when the time comes.
Janis: yes, ma’am.
Michele: Exciting season ahead.[00:45:00]
Janis: We do have an exciting season ahead. I’m, I’m looking, I’m, you taught me that thing on the remarkable, like you just don’t go like this and you can go to the next page. So I’m like, trying to get this.
Michele: out that if you’re holding the pin and you try to swipe, it doesn’t work as well. So you should swipe with your non pin hand.
I better get to packing.
Janis: Yes. You better like, well, enjoy Dallas safe travels.
Michele: Well, I hope you have a good weekend. Yeah.
Janis: Thank you. Thank you. All right. See ya. Bye.

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